Suggestions and Complaints

Suggestions and Complaints

Start Service

Service Channels



  • 24/7

Response Time

  • upon completion of filling out the visit request form

Service Description

Provide feedback and suggestions to enhance the worshipper and visitor experiences and improve the level of service provided at the mosque by filling out the feedback and suggestions form on the website.

Service Steps

  1. Fill out the form on the website
  2. Receipt of the form by e-mail
  3. Reply to feedback and suggestions

Service Standards

  • Conditions for obtaining the service: Fill out the feedback and suggestions form
  • Service Limitation: worshippers and visitors
  • The time to obtain the service: upon completion of filling out the visit request form.
  • Associated Service Package: N/A

Service Requirements and Fees

Required Documents: NA Notes: Fees: Free of charge Refundable Fees:

Service Channels

Service Channel Service channel availability Time to complete the service after its requirements are completed
Website 24/7 within 1 to 3 working days
Reservation system

Service Journey

Obtaining service information
Submit a service request Through the website Through application Through Call Center(Switchboard)
Communication During the Process
Getting the Service

Inquiries and complaints

Channel Availability
Calling site (switch)